Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Nobody (2021) movie review

"Nobody" - Movie Review by Keith Metcalfe

All the marketing materials tell us that this is from the writer of John Wick, but that doesn't mean it feels like and works like Wick. But we do get a reluctant super fighter, some gun porn, and of course waves of over-armed Russians as the bad guys.  I did notice, and like, the fact that while Odenkirk is the better fighter, he often got hurt, and not in minor ways.

Odenkirk does play the sad domesticated suburban family man well. (Apparently there is a real life story about him actually dealing with home invaders and locking them in his basement.)

The action is good, but still a noticeable step down from anything Wick. The scene where he leaves to rescue his daughter's kitty bracelet worked better for me than all the action scenes. The way it played out, and the conclusion, before all the real action started.

Overall the film feels a little too brief. Feels like there could've been a great action scene we missed, but saw in Montage as he destroyed his opponent's fortunes.

And related to being too brief some characters we don't really know who they are, so when they pop up, we probably were supposed to be cheering for, but instead sort of confused as to why they are there and who they are at first.

I'm glad I saw it in a theater. (I was the only person in attendance, and it was on discount ticket day, but was the earlier show so maybe more people would've been there for the evening one.)

4 out of 5 stars, almost 4.5

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